Begins as a gradual memory loss, culminating in total cognition failure.
Alzheimer’s Disease is brain failure – a progressive brain disorder that gradually destroys brain cells and affects a person’s memory, ability to learn, make judgments, communicate, and carry out basic daily activities. Alzheimer’s Disease is not normal aging. It is a progressive, fatal disease, the cause of which is unknown and it has no cure.
Alzheimer’s destroys brain cells.
There 100 billion nerve cells, or neurons, creating a branching network.
Signals traveling through the neuron forest form memories, thoughts and feelings.
Alzheimer’s destroys neurons, thus also destroying memories, thoughts, impulse control, personality, etc.
Alzheimer’s causes the brain to shrink
(due to the death of neurons)
History of CART
1995: Rotary Club of Sumter, SC, initiated the first C.A.R.T. efforts.
1996: RID 7770 in South Carolina adopted C.A.R.T. as a project.
1999: 1st grant of $100K made to Emory University’s Alzheimer’s Research Center.
2000: 11 Districts, including RID 6900, adopt C.A.R.T. as a project.
Fast forward to 2010: 3 grants totaling 450K were awarded to 3 universities in 2010.
Submitting your club’s donations.
Make your check(s) payable to CART and send to LouAnn Medlock.